Objectives of Work Package 14
The motivation of this work package is to demonstrate the applicability and the advantages of innovative ultra compact
fibre reinforced cementitious
materials for the rehabilitation of highway structures. Conceptually,
the very low permeability of ultra compact HPFRCC associated with
their excellent mechanical properties can provide a long-term
durability and thus avoid multiple interventions on structures
during their service life. HPFRCC materials can be applied as thin
watertight overlays, as repair layers from 30 to 100 mm
thickness or as prefabricated elements such as curbs. They can also
be applied in critical zones such as transitions from joints to the
main structural elements, which are subjected to an aggressive environment
and to significant mechanical stresses. This concept is illustrated in
Figure below.
The objectives of this work package are to:
Demonstrate the applicability and advantages of ultra compact HPFRCC
materials for the rehabilitation of concrete road infrastructure components
(including aspects of global life-cycle-cost in relation to WP 12).
Make a first step towards the optimisation of these materials for
Provide guidelines for the use of these
materials and their further optimisation (conceptual design, numerical
simulation tools, test methods, limit state criteria for design, etc.).

Conceptual approach for the application of ultra compact
HPFRCC for the maintenance of reinforced concrete structures.

Work Packages