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Objective of Work Package 15
To provide an updated inventory and
assessment of highway structures in selected EEA and CE countries.
Task Data collection
will collect data provided by subcontractors from seven EEA and CE
countries. An appropriate database with associated software will be
developed to evaluate the data.
Task Condition
will focus on procedures used for determination of the condition of the
structures (visual, using condition rating methods). Different
methodologies will be compared and assessed according to the BRIME
recommendations. An overview of the condition of highway structures in
the selected countries will be provided.
Task Loading
will examine loading conditions on existing structures and propose
procedures for optimised load modelling. The following aspects of
loading will be looked at:
 | Dead loads: Procedures used to evaluate dead loads in
structural assessment will be examined (based on codes, bridge
inspections and testing). |
 | Traffic loading: Procedures used for determination of
traffic load models will be examined to identify differences between
traffic patterns in EU, EEA and CE countries. Analysis will be based
on available weigh-in-motion (WIM) data and on measurements performed
for this purpose. |
 | Live load modelling: While new bridges should be designed
on the basis of generalised conservative loading schemes to withstand
the whole life time of the structure, assessment of existing bridges
should be optimised if specific assessment loading schemes or
site-specific load models are applied. Such load models are rarely used
around Europe which often leads to unnecessarily frequent
interventions on bridges. Optimised assessment live load models for
bridges will be derived so as to relate logically to the derivation
procedure used for the Eurocode, EC1, Part 3 and will be applicable to
any traffic conditions. |
 | Dynamic loading: The Eurocode for bridge traffic loading
incorporates dynamic impact factors based on experiments carried out
using single truck crossing events. Such an approach is excessively
conservative as dynamic effects of heavier, multiple vehicle loading
events are generally considerably lower. To optimise the dynamic
loading in the assessment of bridges, a dynamic computer model will be
compared to field tests, using trucks of known weights and bridge
weigh-in-motion measurements. |
Task Structural Safety
will examine quality and extension of structural safety assessment
procedures used in the selected countries. To reduce maintenance and
users costs, impacts to the environment and traffic delays, improved
safety assessment procedures, based on the recommendations of BRIME and
COST 345, will be proposed. They will include optimised traffic load
models and target safety levels as well as account for the possible
differences between EC, EEA and CE countries due to different structural
and traffic conditions.
Task Updated survey will
prepare State-of-the-art report on assessment of structures in selected
EEA and CE countries and Guidelines for optimised assessment of highway