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Objectives of Work Package 12

To develop guidelines for the use of innovative materials and techniques for the rehabilitation of highway structures. Rehabilitation is defined as the work required to repair, and possibly upgrade, an existing structure.

Proposed tasks

Task 12.1 Description of the problem is divided into three sub-tasks:


preparation of the Inception Report,


review of methods available for the rehabilitation of highway structures and


define scientific QA procedures.

Task 12.2 Review of other work will undertake a review of published work on the development of strategies for the rehabilitation of highway structures and the methods use to select the most suitable strategy. It will include a review of the work undertaken under the BRIME project, part of which was to develop a methodology for deciding whether to repair or replace a structure. This took account of a range of factors including:


impact on users (traffic delay costs),


impact on the environment (use of raw materials, damage to the environment), and


impact on the local community (social and economic).

The review will also consider the principles of sustainable construction and take environmental and social impacts into account as well as the economic costs.

Task 12.3 Development of guidelines will develop the requirements for a rehabilitation strategy and produce guidelines for the use of innovative materials and techniques for the rehabilitation of highway structures. The strategy will ensure that the most appropriate method is selected and the guidelines will cover both the information required to inform the strategy and provide advice to ensure that the technique selected is correctly applied.

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Last updated: 03-03-2004.